Thank you so much for your response Jee! The funny thing is, I've just come to the conclusion that love is an experience in time and space with a beginning and end. I want to study more about the western concept of "the one."
Another funny thing is that I have been thinking for the past 5 months about how much I miss collaborating with you and writing for Le Fool! It seemed that we both stopped publishing at the same time.
I'd love the opportunity to correspond with you. I'm thinking of moving forward with my critical theory, taking it more seriously and writing again.
I'm currently based in Budapest, Hungary (I got an amazing job opportunity here.) I don't know where you're located or the best way to communicate, but I've been traveling a lot and would just really like to collaborate with you again in the future.
Thank you again so much for the support. It's not easy to come across a reader or editor.